Education Track
The education track is focused on the development and support of education activities, e.g., the curriculum development by Columbia faculty of blockchain and data transparency courses for students and developers. It is anticipated new course offerings will be developed specifically in blockchain, as well as a call for new courses more broadly across the University in Data Transparency. Education Projects can be proposed by faculty of Columbia with possible collaboration with employees of IBM. In addition the education track plans on supporting education broadly across the campus by offering non-credit education for special interest groups and broad education across the entire student body. IBM has great interest in supporting Columbia students through internships, hack-a-thons, challenges, student visits to IBM facilities, special IBM lecturers, availability of resources and tools.
Request for Grant Proposals: Call for New Course Development
The Columbia-IBM Center for Blockchain and Data Transparency is seeking grant proposals for new Courses across the University around blockchain and data transparency. This new course can be related to policy, business, or technical advancements surrounding blockchain technologies, secure and transparent data sharing, data flow and distributed and decentralized architectures. Learn more about this request for proposals.