Request for Grant Proposals: Call for New Course Development
Due Date: June 25, 2020 at 4:00PM
Application, Eligibility, and Details: Download PDF
Courses related to data transparency or blockchain technology, broadly defined (including security, privacy, policy, business, health, finance, law, social, and other application domains)
RFP Issue Date: June 1, 2020
RFP Due Date: June 25, 2020 4PM
Award Notification: July 22, 2021
Send questions and completed application to [email protected]
The Columbia-IBM Center for Blockchain and Data Transparency (the “Center”) is a university-wide multi-disciplinary program that provides thought leadership on education and research related to blockchain and data transparency. The Center’s three tracks (education, research and innovation) include curriculum development by Columbia faculty focused on the rapid and expanding fields of blockchain and data transparency. The Center Steering Committee will review applications for funding and make a selection based on a number of criteria, including but not limited to quality and pertinence of the proposal.
The program will award grants for the development of new courses around the technical, regulatory, legal, policy, or business issues pertaining to blockchain and data transparency, broadly defined. Example areas include technological advances in secure, private, and transparent data sharing and joint computation across distributed and decentralized architectures (e.g., homomorphic encryption, secure multi-party computation, differential privacy, secure hardware, data flow, and blockchain technologies); business and economic questions arising with these technological capabilities, in domains such as supply-chain management and food security, healthcare, finance, energy, media and entertainment; legal, policy, and societal implications to these domains and to national security, personal privacy and civil liberty. Example curricula offerings might include classes, workshops, studios, out-of-semester offerings and “boot-camps.” Instructors may be full-time officers of instruction, professors of practice, lecturers within discipline and/or adjunct professors. Student cohorts can be undergraduate students, PhD students or graduate students undergoing professional training. Grant proposals are welcome from all Schools at Columbia University. All developed material should be integrated into Columbia’s instructional offerings.